POSTPONED: Dan Blacksberg and Jay Campbell perform John Cage solo works
Monday - 8:00pm (ET)
October 8, 2012
Philadelphia Art Alliance at the University of the Arts
251 S 18th St Philadelphia PA 19103
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An industrious and inventive mind, Cage explored new ways to notate music including graphs, transparencies, text, and even start charts. When combined with his use of chance and an ear for the unusual these innovations fueled new frontiers in performance practice and the development of bold new sounds. This evening two young virtuosos, recent Pew Fellow Dan Blacksberg and fast rising talent Jay Campbell, tackle some of Cages most inventive and complex works, including the Solo for Sliding Trombone (1957-8) and the fiendishly difficult Etudes Boreales (1978) for solo cello.
Part of the Cage: Beyond Silence festival.
- This event has passed.